
Gillian Proctor


Keynote Speech

“The Illusion of separateness”


We have learned to understand ourselves, person-centred theory and lifelong development through the lens of the individual organism. But what if we start from the universe as an undivided whole and constantly in flux? Developing congruence would not be an intrapsychic concept but increasing awareness of how we are interconnected with its corresponding political implications. How can we deal with blocks to increasing congruence including overwhelm, fear and despair? Space, calm, active hope and love could be personal aims to take our places in the universe with responsibility, humility and joy.

Short Bio

Programme leader of the MA in Psychotherapy and Counselling, Gillian has extensive experience working in the NHS as a clinical psychologist for 22 years, with adults in services from primary care to forensic services. She has contributed to thinking and practice in critical and community psychology, as a member of the Centre for Citizenship and Community Mental Health at Bradford University for many years. She set up a service for people who self-injure which was awarded a Health Service Journal prize for innovation in primary care and was highly commended by the Secretary of State.

All session
by Gillian Proctor